

- I have a mission in life, to get young people to examine their lives, plan for their futures and not to go where the wind takes them, but to be in charge of their own futures.

About Me

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Post Falls, Idaho, United States
Born Thomas Leon Crandell, but Tom died in 1981 from a drug overdose, Leon now lives.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Talk to my friend Gar this morning

We came to the conclusion that if I want my ministry to grow it would be advantages to utilize this blog to keep my contacts up to date. So like anything your going to utilize and make work you need to spend time with it and get to know it.

I want so much to be ale to speak what is on my mind. Become a well spoken orator I have so much to share about my life. I guess journaling about different topics will help me gather thought, and when I have opportunity and have audience of listeners I just need to cease the moment and speak up.